Il portale è iscritto nel Registro dei Gestori delle Vendite Telematiche con PDG 2 del 04/08/2017 - Modello di Org., Gestione e Controllo ai sensi del D.lgs 231/01 & Codice Etico


Establishment, upgrading and maintenance of 32 websites for the judicial offices, according to the guidelines issued by the Directorate General for Automated Information Systems of the Ministry of Justice with circular of 19.04.2010 and in accordance with the criteria dictated, for the sites of the Public Administrations , from the code of the digital administration and in accordance with Law 4/2004;

Software development SIBe.S. (Seeked Goods Information System) in collaboration with the Prevention Measures Section of the Court of Reggio Calabria.

Development of Open Regio software for ANBSC National Agency for Seized and Confiscated Goods.

Development of IVGPro software for the management of executive and competition procedures by Commissionari and Judicial Sales Institutes.

Development of websites dedicated to Concourse Procedures and Concordati Estimates.

Technical cooperation for the realization of the official portals of the judicial offices with the companies responsible for LATTANZIO GROUP and ERNEST & YOUNG, under the project "Best Practices of Judicial Offices" funded under the POR from the European Social Fund 2007/2013 and created by the agreement between the Ministry of Justice, the Department for Public Functions and the Italian Regions;

Partner of the T6 Association - Study Table on Real Estate Executions: The Observatory aims to collect ideas, data and reflections that can be elaborated and disseminated with the purpose of rapidly contributing to greater efficiency in the sector of real estate expropriations -

National Agency for Legal Advertising on the Economy Daily "Sole24ore"